Career-Wise Ways ... Not Just A Job-But A Career ®

challenge-yourselfWe all like to be known as something. There are words and descriptions that tell people who we are before they ever get to know us. Phrases like, “She’s so friendly”, or “He’s a computer whiz” and “They’re the nicest couple”. It’s funny, but when we hear these comments, we know exactly who these individuals are.

I’ve always been leery of nametags and nicknames, particularly in a work environment.  I always want to be known as someone who delivers the right service on time and ahead of schedule.  But, I’m not sure I want the office slacker to think of me that way.  And no, I don’t want the local mooch hitting me up for a loan on payday.

You can see where I’m going with this.  What I’m talking about is letting yourself be known by your positive qualities while keeping your reputation safe from mis-interpretation.  We all like to think of ourselves as genuine, but are we?  All the time?

We are not responsible for how other people think.  But we can educate them and while we may never change their minds, we can choose to win the battles where the odds are in our favor – especially when it concerns our work reputation.

I keep thinking of the circumstances when a new person is hired, coworkers and higher-ups are watching to see if he or she could do the job as well as so-and-so.  And of course so-and-so has moved on and the newcomer can’t even fathom who or what he or she is up against.

That's why one of CWW Favorite Tips is, #7 – “Challenge yourself instead of envying the performance of others”, and #11 – “Don’t be a shadow in someone else’s Star-Power”.

You may have to reinvent the position you’ve just been hired for and yourself along with it.

Wishing Your CWW Career-Wise Ways...!

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