Career-Wise Ways ... Not Just A Job-But A Career ®

Career-Wise Ways

Career-Wise Ways
Career success depends on much more than being qualified on paper.

Career-Wise Ways

Career-Wise Ways
Career success is what you practice everyday that you work.

Career-Wise Ways

Career-Wise Ways
Career success is using what you know, to get to where you have to go.

Career-Wise Ways

Career-Wise Ways
Career development is a process that you have to do for yourself. No one can do it for you.



“CWW Career-Wise Ways has been a place for me to go to get unstuck.  I found my answer in the QAFs”.

“Working for a family business where the staff is from the family left me confused and wishing I was a family member just so I could have an inside track.  CWW helped me pull back and stand in my own authenticity.”

“…I succeeded in making some choices about my job that I didn’t know I could do.  I am on a new life plan and I have CWW to thank”.

 “I went to a career expo and someone handed me a strange-looking card.  Later, when I looked at it, there was writing on the back.  I asked myself, who puts information on the back of a card”?

“Visiting the CWW website was like having a career expo right in my computer”.

Clinics & Workshops

“I did a self-starter clinic, where I used the BRC exercise to define what I wanted in a new job.  It helped me target my resume in a more useful way.  When I finished, I realized I could use it in other life situations.”

“I still can’t get over how good my resume looks.  When I read it, I almost want to believe it is describing somebody else.”

The Articles

“I am experiencing my first job in the real world and I am learning about professional courtesy and business manners.  I read, “Good-bye of the Thank You” and I can’t believe that people don’t follow up an in-person interview with a thank-you”.  I am so glad I knew to do that.

“The Coping Strategies article was so raw and real.  It reminded me of when I lost my job.”

“The Coping story let me know that anyone can find their way back to recovery after a job loss.”


“CWW helped me understand that a career can be built over a lifetime and that I can have more than one career.  CWW helped me to see that one day when I get a degree, it could lead another kind of career – maybe something in management or consulting.”

“When the time comes for me to develop my career further, I will turn to CWW Career-Wise Ways for inspiration.”


“CWW make me think about some of the people who had been mentoring me and I realized that I had to limit who influenced my desires for my career.”

“Some of my friends from college and I have been mentoring each other.  As friends we wanted the best for each other, but none of us really had the experience to go further.  We were all in the same situation and need a way out.”

“My mentor was a professors who told me about the CWW website.  She used their services to get some direction while working on her Doctorate.  Now she and CWW are helpinig me while I work on my Master’s.  I am so psyched.”

Resumé Re-Do

A service that promises to put the “U” in your résumé-on short notice.

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Skills Charting

Translate hard and soft skills into dynamic résumés.

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