Career-Wise Ways ... Not Just A Job-But A Career ®

Welcome to CAREER-WISE WAYS ...

CWW Career-Wise Ways has grown up. We are facilitating some sustainable disciples of career success that beg to be shared and explored. Career success depends on more than being qualified on paper.

CWW Career-Wise Ways is a perpetual state of being and means that in every situation, the outcome or behavior and action will enhance (or detract) from career growth. CWW Career-Wise-Ways is what you practice every day that you work.

CWW Career-Wise Ways is using what you know to get where you have to go – on the job, in your life and in your passion for living.

CWW Career-Wise Ways is your experiences and several jobs strung together over a period of time make a career. Career development is a process that you have to do for yourself, no one can do it for you.

It is skill, plus experience, technical know-how and how well you communicate. It is your ability to organize your priorities. It is your professional appearance and demeanor. It is your desire to continually get better at what you do so you can build momentum toward higher levels of achievement.

Too many times career survival is left to the slippery slopes of luck or fate. At CWW, we believe you should be able to say that you made some deliberate, positive on-purpose choices about the kinds of work you do and jobs you've held, as you steer the paths of your career. Positive thinking is a primary element of professional success. And ever so often we look for words of inspiration to carry us along. This inspiration has been shaped into powerful Wise Ways quotations and bits and pieces of inspiration to rely on when you need a little extra boost. Some of these Wise Ways have been learned over time by trial and error or have been passed on by mentors, role models and cheering squads who have empowered us with their words.

Career changes are inevitable no matter how they happen. We prefer that our changes happen in positive circumstances such as a promotion, a new job, achieving a degree or getting an enormous bonus. Nobody likes when a career change is forced. Most of us choose to perform our jobs well enough so that we are rewarded for a good performance and hard work. I found myself answering this question over and over again so much so that it made sense to brand and package it. Not only that, I trademarked it.

My favorite tip is: "Nothing builds confidence like a long list of accomplishments". At CWW, we you members and users to feel empowered to do what is necessary to get the job - or get the job done.

Resumé Re-Do

A service that promises to put the “U” in your résumé-on short notice.

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Skills Charting

Translate hard and soft skills into dynamic résumés.

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